Travel by Lancie

Travel by Lancie
Are you looking to become the owner of your very on travel agency or are you looking to get in the industry and sell travel with our team? Regardless of your intentions, we are here to assist.
$650 Enrollment Fee
$35 monthly
50/50 split on your leads
Annual re-enrollment fee is waived as long as sales are being generated.
Option to increase split to 60/40 based on sales
Flyers and trip sites
Social Media mentions
With this option, you are an agent with Travel by Lancie.
You will receive training, access to our systems, and use of our products.
1 year commitment required
Also Submit:
Contract Agreement (will be emailed)
$350 Enrollment Fee
$35 monthly
70/30 split on your leads
Annual re-enrollment fee is waived as long as sales are being generated.
Flyers and trip sites
Social Media mentions
This option is for you if you are not new to the industry and you do not need training.
You have your own clientele and would just like to join our team.
1 year commitment required

What makes us different?
1 on 1 Training​
​One year commitment
Preparing you to be a business owner
Access to hundreds of vendors
Technology-based operations
Customer leads
Access to a marketing and support team
Industry recognized brand editing the content.